DC Safe Streets Coalition

Join us in a united effort across all DC neighborhoods to save our communities impacted by reckless and dangerous DDOT Bike Plans, particularly when unsupported by studies in the planning process.

17th Street NW Bike Plan in Dupont Circle

Who We Are

DC neighbors have mounted a campaign to protest the reckless and dangerous Bike Plans and lane closures throughout the city. Protected Bike Lanes (PBLs) are not advisable through congested commercial streets where there are frequent interruptions in the bike lane. They pose hazards to pedestrians, seniors, drivers, business patrons and bike riders alike, just as the Mayor delayed plans for the massive K Street Transitway and the Connecticut Ave. Bike Plan, we ask for a pause in the network of bike plans and a comprehensive review, a study of alternative routes, ADA compliance, and community engagement in the form of many Town Halls to engage better with the community.

We encourage consideration of alternate cycle routes, alleys and small streets. Commercial stretches are inappropriate for protected bike lanes which set aside dedicated space for bikes in all seasons and all weather, even when they are not used. Closing traffic lanes causes congestion and will discourage business, entertainment and commercial activity in the city. We reject the false planning that creates an unworkable design, removing all legal parking spaces and then punishing patrons and residents for parking illegally. Funneling all traffic through one lane is a grave and reckless mistake.

We petition the Mayor, the Council and the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) to reject plans which will cripple the economic and social nerve center of our livable/walkable communities. We support efforts to bring neighborhoods together in the DC Safe Streets for All Coalition.

DC Council member introduces bill to close streets to cars far more often.

Click HERE to view the interview.



Press Release


DDOT to Present Bike Plan for Taylor St NE

Community Calls Meeting Tonight The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) will present the Taylor St. NE Bike Plan at a public meeting tonight called by Save Taylor St. NE, an organization of neighbors protesting the plan. “The meeting will be an opportunity to...

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Taking the Fifth – Are Bike Lanes Making DC Streets Unsafe?

The last words in the final presentation of the Columbia Road Bike Plan expressed the belief that removing and narrowing traffic lanes reduces crashes. District Department of Transportation (DDOT) planner Kevin Harrison said in a virtual meeting last week that studies...

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Bikes v Safety on Connecticut Ave

Allen Evades Sherwood Query on WAMU ‘Politics Hour’ On WAMU’s Politics Hour Friday, Councilmember Charles Allen, who chairs the DC Council’s transportation committee, evaded the one question that matters In his provision to forbid any safety improvements on...

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Opinion: budget priorities and bike lanes

There is an action that will save DC money if the Council pays attention to it; they can place a pause on the automatic and mindless installation of protected bike lanes. DDOT Director Kerschbaum should be thanked for her sensible decision to eliminate the plans for...

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My Testimony at DC Council Budget Hearing

My name is Louis Santucci, and I live in Dupont Circle. I have lived in DC since 1964, except for a couple of years, some of which were spent in the army during the Vietnam War. I have seen the ebb and flow of the best and worst of the city.  I am afraid we are now in...

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Why is DC Funding the Bike Lobby?

Testimony of Lee Meyer Save Connecticut Ave.org Council Budget Hearing My name is Lee Mayer, and I am President of SaveConnecticutAve.org. The residents of wards 3 and 4 and the businesses along Conn Ave applaud DDOTs decision to cancel the installation of bike lanes...

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DC Budget – A Question of Priorities

We are told we have a tight budget this year. Mayor Bowser has called for program cuts and new taxes. But in fact, the District budget is rich. The real problem is our priorities. DC needs affordable housing. We need to compensate teacher helpers for their work caring...

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Sign Our Petition

Join us in a united effort across all DC neighborhoods to save our communities impacted by reckless and dangerous DDOT Bike Plans, particularly when unsupported by studies in the planning process.

Sign up today for Coalition news updates


Contact Us


Nick DelleDonne
DC Safe Streets Coalition
703 929 6656