At a packed meeting of the Ward 4 Mini-Commission on Aging Thursday, Oct. 10, member after member in turn voiced support for its chair Jocelynn Johnson over Councilmember Janeese Lewis George’s attempt to oust her and asked to see the Bylaws. Members cited the failure to warn Ms Johnson of alleged ‘disrespect,’ the failure to try to resolve the problem short of ouster and the relative harshness of removal for apparently minor offenses.
Johnson revealed George’s September 16 letter (see below) telling the Board she would boycott the commission’s meetings until Ms Johnson was no longer chair. Members said George was wrong to allow a personal animus to divert her attention from the needs of her constituency. Members raised questions about process and asked to see their Bylaws after Johnson was stopped from reading them aloud. In an hour of discussion, no one spoke to defend the Board or George but the Board and George’s chief of staff, Candace Nelson.
Finally, Board Member Sam McCoy said the Board had made its decision and now it was up to the membership. Whereupon a motion was made and seconded to reinstate Johnson. But the interim Chair Gail Williams, acknowledging some confusion over who were members, set the vote for the November meeting and abruptly adjourned the meeting.
The commission meets the second Thursday of the month at MPD station, 6001 Georgia Ave. NW in Ward 4.
Nick DelleDonne
Oct. 15, 2024